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Earth Living Organic Black Sesame & Black Bean Powder and Products

Earth Living Organic Black Sesame & Black Bean Powder and Products

Regular price $18.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 SGD
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  1. Earth Living Organic Black Sesame & Black Bean Powder

Organic, Non-GMO, Premium Quality

Country of Origin: Australia

Sesame seed was once recognized as superfood for energy boosting. Match sesame seed with black bean makes even perfect combination for many health purposes. Living in a stressful society today, energy lacking, and fatigue are normal issues. Include this bean-seed combination in our diet to supplement those missing elements for better energy sustainability.

What's so special about Earth Living Organic Superfood Black Sesame & Black Bean Powder?

Use high quality organic ingredients with modernized technology to create this bean-seed into powder form for instant consumption without altering their nutrients quality. A super food beverage full of nutrients and minerals designed for those who envy the goodness of these bean-seed and yet cannot spare one's time to prepare them. Earth Living makes it possible for you to enjoy this beneficial drink in our 'rush rush' world today.

We assure you that our Organic Black Sesame & Black Bean Powder contains only high quality pure organic ingredient. It strictly contains no GMO ingredients, no chemical additives, no preservatives, no colourings, no flavourings, no trans-fat, no sweetener, no dairy especially no anti-caking agent.

Ingredients: Organic black sesame seed, black soybean, brown rice bran, fructose-oligosaccharides.

Net Weight : 500g



  1. RICEMEDY Avocado Rice Milk 鳄梨米奶 (BOX)

Product of Malaysia

The fast pace and high stress of modern life often leave people feeling exhausted. However, the secret to staying energized might be right on your dining table. Through scientific dietary choices, you can enhance your body's ability to fight fatigue and make every day full of vitality!

Try out for this healthy breakfast to gain a healthy body 🌞🌻

Benefit of Avocado Rice Water :

Nutritious beauty and skin nourishing, Spleen invigorating and Stomach nourishing

Ingredient :

Avocado, Spirulina, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Red Rice, Organic Quinoa, Organic Millet, Organic Black Rice, Organic Barley, Organic Oat Groat, Wheat, Non-GMO Corn, Organic Mung Bean, Organic Rye Grain, Isolated Soy Protein (ISP), NSSP Soy, Prebiotic, Calcium

Suitable For:

Stress and irritability, Nourish skin, Weakness of Spleen and Stomach, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Lactose intolerance

Men and women of all ages, Confinement mothers, Breastfeeding mothers

Storage : Store in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

Net Weight : 300g ( 30g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box )



RICEMEDY Avocado Rice Milk 鳄梨米奶 (BOX)







鳄梨、螺旋藻、有机糙米、有机红米、有机藜麦、有机小米、有机黑米、有机薏米、有机燕麦粒、小麦、非基改玉米、有机绿豆、有机黑麦、分离大豆蛋白 (ISP) , NSSP 大豆、益生元、钙


压力暴躁 养颜护肤脾胃虚弱 身体疲倦容易腹泻  乳糖不耐症

男女老幼坐月妈妈 哺乳妈妈

储存 : 置于阴凉、通风、乾燥处,避免阳光直射

净重 : 300g ( 30g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box )


RICEMEDY Barley Rice Water 薏苡仁米水 (BOX)

Product of Malaysia

The fast pace and high stress of modern life often leave people feeling exhausted. However, the secret to staying energized might be right on your dining table. Through scientific dietary choices, you can enhance your body's ability to fight fatigue and make every day full of vitality!

Try out for this healthy breakfast to gain a healthy body 🌞🌻

Benefit of Barley Rice Water :

Spleen invigorating, Stomach nourishing and dampness eliminating

Ingredient :

Organic Barley, Organic Red Rice, Organic White Rice, Prebiotic

Suitable For:

Bloating, Indigestion, Weakness of Spleen and Stomach, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Lactose intolerance

Men and women of all ages, Confinement mothers, Breastfeeding mothers

Gentle Reminder:

🚫Not suitable for pregnant mothers🚫

Storage : Store in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

Net Weight : 315g (21g / Sachet x 15 Sachets / Box)



RICEMEDY Barley Rice Water 薏苡仁米水 (BOX)







有机薏米  有机红米  有机白米 益生元 


脘腹胀满消化不良脾胃虚弱 身体疲倦容易腹泻  乳糖不耐症

男女老幼坐月妈妈 哺乳妈妈



储存 : 置于阴凉、通风、乾燥处,避免阳光直射

净重 : 315g (21g / Sachet x 15 Sachets / Box)


RICEMEDY Mixberries Rice Water 莓果米水 (BOX)

Product of Malaysia

The fast pace and high stress of modern life often leave people feeling exhausted. However, the secret to staying energized might be right on your dining table. Through scientific dietary choices, you can enhance your body's ability to fight fatigue and make every day full of vitality!

Try out for this healthy breakfast to gain a healthy body 🌞🌻

Benefit of Mixberries Rice Water :

Blood tonifying and Yin nourishing, gastrointestinal function strengthening

Ingredient :

Mix Berries Extract, Beetroot Extract, Cherry Extract, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Red Rice, Organic Barley, Organic Oatmeal, Organic Quinoa, Organic Millet, Organic Black Rice, Organic Rye Kernels, Isolated Soy Protein (ISP), Probiotics, Prebiotics, Multivitamin (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, R, B12, C, D3, E)

Suitable For:

Bloating, Indigestion, Weakness of Spleen and Stomach, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Lactose intolerance

Men and women of all ages, Confinement mothers, Breastfeeding mothers

Gentle Reminder:

🚫This product contains probiotic and it is recommended to mix with water below 40°C.🚫

Storage : Store in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

Net Weight : 250g (25g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box)



RICEMEDY Mixberries Rice Water 莓果米水 (BOX)







混合浆果提取物、甜菜根提取物、樱桃提取物、有机糙米、有机红米、有机薏米、有机燕麦、有机藜麦、有机小米、有机黑米、有机黑麦仁、分离大豆蛋白 (ISP)、益生菌、益生元、多种维生素 (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, R, B12, C, D3, E)


脘腹胀满消化不良脾胃虚弱 身体疲倦容易腹泻  乳糖不耐症

男女老幼坐月妈妈 哺乳妈妈



储存 : 置于阴凉、通风、乾燥处,避免阳光直射

净重 : 250g (25g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box)


4. RICEMEDY Chocolate Oat Rice Milk 巧克力燕麦米奶 (BOX)

Product of Malaysia

The fast pace and high stress of modern life often leave people feeling exhausted. However, the secret to staying energized might be right on your dining table. Through scientific dietary choices, you can enhance your body's ability to fight fatigue and make every day full of vitality!

Try out for this healthy breakfast to gain a healthy body 🌞🌻

Benefit of Chocolate Oat Rice Milk :

Stomach warming, cold dispelling and limbs warming

Ingredient :

Organic Oat, Organic Brown Rice, Malt, Honey, Cocoa, Prebiotic

Suitable For:

Cold limbs, Depression, Weakness of Spleen and Stomach, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Lactose intolerance

Men and women of all ages, Confinement mothers, Breastfeeding mothers

Storage : Store in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

Net Weight : 300g (30g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box)



RICEMEDY Chocolate Oat Rice Milk 巧克力燕麦米奶 (BOX)







有机燕麦 , 有机糙米 , 麦芽, 蜂蜜 , 可可 , 益生元


四肢畏寒 , 情绪抑郁  脾胃虚弱 身体疲倦容易腹泻  乳糖不耐症

男女老幼坐月妈妈 哺乳妈妈

储存 : 置于阴凉、通风、乾燥处,避免阳光直射

净重 : 300g (30g / Sachet x 10 Sachets / Box)


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